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200+ insights from the latest science in marketing

3-min practical summaries of research from top universities like:

Free sample insight

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Increase clicks 55%

Rounded CTA buttons drive more clicks

Research from
University of South Florida, University of Tennessee & Neighborly
Text Link
Increase conversion rate

$0 is better than ‘free’

Research from
Korea University & Pukyong National University
Text Link
Increase willingness to pay 74%

People love products with rituals

Research from
University of Minnesota & Harvard Business School
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Increase referrals 86%

Altruistic referrals are 86% more effective

Research from
Temple University & 3 others
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Increase product liking

Use “Handwritten” fonts to increase sales

Research from
University of Innsbruck & Babson College
Text Link
Appear more competent and confident

Smile less to appear confident and boost sales

Research from
University of Central Florida & 3 others
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Increase customer satisfaction 19%

Say “I” not “We” when speaking to customers

Research from
Wilfrid Laurier University, Simon Fraser University & 1 other
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Increase content persuasiveness

What makes a voice persuasive

Research from
Western University & 4 others
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Increase premium perceptions
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Decrease price perception 66%

Prices in red attract men

Research from
Oxford University & 3 others
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Increase customer liking

The feminine brand name advantage

Research from
University of Calgary & 3 others
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Increase purchase likelihood 16.3%

A simple rule to use $10 vs 10% off

Research from
EGADE Business School & Babson College
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Increase persuasiveness 10.4%

The rule of three in persuasion

Research from
UCLA Anderson School of Management & Georgetown University
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Increase trustworthiness 31%

Short, easy names are more trustworthy

Research from
University of Cologne, University of Southern California & 1 other
Text Link
Increase purchase intentions 31.1%

The “Sold-out” effect

Research from
Tsinghua University & 2 others
Text Link
Increase customer satisfaction 15%

Say “Thank you” not “Sorry”

Research from
New Mexico State University & 3 others
Text Link
Increase purchase likelihood 30.2%

When a $20 price is better than $19.99

Research from
Temple University & Nanyang Technological University
Text Link
Increase ad liking 32.8%

When to use slow vs fast ads

Research from
Bryant University & Kookmin University
Text Link
Increase open rates 23%

The effect of [first name] in email subject lines

Research from
Stanford University & University of Chicago
Text Link
Increase future spending 2x
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Increase revenues 7.99%

The optimal free trial length

Research from
University of Washington & Bright Machines
Text Link
Increase spending 50%

Complementary coffee increases spending

Research from
University of South Florida & 6 others
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Increase sales 35.2%

Where you should display your price

Research from
University of Louisville, Clark University & 1 other
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Increase perception of innovation 11.2%
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Increase revenues 6.4%

Sustainable products bring higher revenue

Research from
Shippensburg University & 1 other
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Increase purchase likelihood 34%

Don’t misspell your brand name

Research from
University of Notre Dame & Ohio State University
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Increase focus on primary feature 18.4%
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Increase sales 30%

Ariyh Pro Insights

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Increase willingness to pay 21%

People love crowdfunded products

Research from
City University of London & 3 others
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Increase purchase likelihood 16.3%

A simple rule to use $10 vs 10% off

Research from
EGADE Business School & Babson College
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Increase purchase likelihood 19.3%

Use consistent endings in discounts

Research from
Minjiang University & 2 others
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Increase willingness to pay 63%

The IKEA effect

Research from
Harvard University & 2 others
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Increase sales 84%

Which review you should show first

Research from
Tuck School of Business & London Business School
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Increase revenues 7.7%

Boost revenue with free samples

Research from
Ohio State University & 2 others
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Increase sales 6-9%

Give your sales team behavioral incentives

Research from
University of Texas at Austin & 3 others
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Increase persuasiveness 10.4%

The rule of three in persuasion

Research from
UCLA Anderson School of Management & Georgetown University
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Increase early user signup ~20%
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Increase customer satisfaction

How Amazon sets customer expectations

Research from
University of Salerno & Sapienza University of Rome
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Predict short-term sales increases

Using NPS to predict growth

Research from
University of Limerick & University of Warwick
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Increase customer acquisition

Which online channels to prioritize

Research from
University of Virginia & ComScore
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Reduce the effect of complaints

How to respond to complaints on social media

Research from
University of North Carolina - Charlotte, Temple University & 2 others
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Increase time-on-app 19.7%

Use GIFs or emojis, not both

Research from
Rennes School of Business & Grenoble Ecole de Management
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Lower price perception

Simplify your prices

Research from
University of Melbourne & 2 others
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Increase sales 40%
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Increase ad recall

People remember print ads better

Research from
Temple University & 2 others
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Increase customer spending

Productize your service

Research from
National University of Singapore & 4 others
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Increase trustworthiness 31%

Short, easy names are more trustworthy

Research from
University of Cologne, University of Southern California & 1 other
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Increase purchase intentions 82%

Sustainability signals quality

Research from
University of Warwick and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
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Increase purchase likelihood 25%

Invent ‘Special Days’ to launch promotions

Research from
Lehigh University, Vanderbilt University & 1 other
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Increase purchase intentions 31.1%

The “Sold-out” effect

Research from
Tsinghua University & 2 others
Text Link
Increase customer satisfaction 15%

Say “Thank you” not “Sorry”

Research from
New Mexico State University & 3 others
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Increase positive product perceptions

When to show products close-by vs far in images

Research from
Nanjing University, Northwestern University & 1 other
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Increase sales 78%
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Increase referral rate

High referral rewards bring worse customers

Research from
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management & Xing
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Increase purchase likelihood 41.1%

Micro-influencers drive more sales

Research from
Sungkyunkwan University & 2 others
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Increase purchase likelihood 34.8%

Offer extraordinary warranties

Research from
Wayne State University & 2 others
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Increase quality perceptions

When big discounts backfire

Research from
Erasmus University & 2 others
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Increase survey accuracy

Don’t ask too many questions in surveys

Research from
University of California Riverside, University of Chicago & 2 others
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Increase CTRs 5.4%

Praise your competitors to boost your brand

Research from
Duke University & University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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Increase purchase likelihood 30.2%

When a $20 price is better than $19.99

Research from
Temple University & Nanyang Technological University
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Increase page visits 100%

Perform 30%-100% better by A/B testing

Research from
Harvard University & Duke University
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Increase CTRs 18.9%

When $2,111 pricing is better than $1,999

Research from
Sabanci University & Koç University
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Increase sales

4.3 stars sell more than 4.9 stars

Research from
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign & 2 others
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Increase social media engagement

Clickbait doesn’t work

Research from
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore & 2 others
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Increase willingness to pay 32.5%

Show a hand touching your product

Research from
University of Iowa & 3 others
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Increase promotion uptake 149%

Unintentional offers are more attractive

Research from
University of Florida, Stanford University & 1 other
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Increase purchase likelihood 27.6%

Privacy guarantees can reduce sales

Research from
Utah State University, Ohio State University & Harvard University
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Increase reviews 12%

Reply to all reviews

Research from
University of Southern California & Boston University
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Increase watch time

People watch high-energy ads more

Research from
University of Notre Dame, Northwestern University & 1 other
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Increase willingness to pay 35%

Use cats and dogs in advertising

Research from
University of Massachusetts Lowell & 2 others
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Increase spending 3x
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Increase sales 17.1%

Don't make upgrades free, charge 1¢

Research from
Southwestern University of Finance & Economics, China
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Increase brand liking 22.7%
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Increase positive social media engagement

Use cold colors in B2B, warm colors in B2C

Research from
University of New South Wales & University of Queensland
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Increase ad liking 32.8%

When to use slow vs fast ads

Research from
Bryant University & Kookmin University
Text Link
Increase sales 37%

How email coupons drive sales

Research from
Stanford Unviversity & University of Chicago
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Increase ad effectiveness

Copy the ads of larger competitors

Research from
ESC Business School & University of Groningen
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Increase open rates 23%

The effect of [first name] in email subject lines

Research from
Stanford University & University of Chicago
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Increase early-stage funding 117%

Differentiate your startup

Research from
Columbia University & Tsinghua University
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Increase recommendation likelihood 35.9%
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Increase sponsored post engagement 16.6%

How to maximize your influencer campaigns

Research from
Hong Kong Polytechnic University & 3 others
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Increase purchase likelihood 32%

Give tours of your company

Research from
Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics & 2 others
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Increase recommendations 17.8%

Use negations to make copy more powerful

Research from
University of Adolfo Ibáñez & 1 other
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Increase future spending 2x
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Increase donations 68.8%
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Increase purchase likelihood

Reverse how you frame your promotions

Research from
Baylor University, New York University & 1 other
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Boost conversions 22.6%
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Increase ad recall 24%
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Increase revenues 7.99%

The optimal free trial length

Research from
University of Washington & Bright Machines
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Improve brand attitudes 9.2%

Use ‘you’ in your copy to boost results

Research from
Thomas Jefferson University & 2 others
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Increase purchase intentions 8.75%
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Increase spending 50%

Complementary coffee increases spending

Research from
University of South Florida & 6 others
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Increase product usage 8%
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Increase customer happiness and purchase intentions

The teasing effect creates customer curiosity

Research from
University of Wisconsin-Madison & University of Chicago
Text Link
Increase sales 35.2%

Where you should display your price

Research from
University of Louisville, Clark University & 1 other
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Increase purchase intentions 38%

Take advantage of rude complaints

Research from
Grenoble École de Management & 1 other
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Increase product quality perceptions
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Increase ad CTRs 39%

How to design your brand to feel safe, or exciting

Research from
Oklahoma State University & University of Florida
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Increase purchase likelihood 24%

Don't point out product imperfections

Research from
China Europe International Business School & University of Chicago
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Increase perception of innovation 11.2%
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Increase purchase intentions 70%

Encourage customers to take product selfies

Research from
Technical University of Munich, Columbia University & 2 others
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Decrease product returns 50%
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Increase willingness to pay 49%

Use easy-to-understand product quantities

Research from
EDHEC Business School & Cornell University
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Increase purchase likelihood 21%
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Increase the likelihood of reading content by 25%
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Increase ad CTRs 21%

Suggest product pairings to boost your sales

Research from
Texas Christian University & 1 other
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Lower price perception 15%

How to make $.99 pricing more effective in promotions

Research from
Tilburg University, Monash University & Cornell University
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Increase product preference 30%
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Increase ad liking 24%

Products should face the center of your ads

Research from
University of Nevada Reno, Wharton School & 1 other
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Increase revenues 6.4%
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Increase social media likes
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Boost sales 33%

The best in-store shopping cart design

Research from
City University of London & University of Innsbruck
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Increase spending 28%

How one-click buy buttons boost sales

Research from & Cornell University
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Increase product liking and quality perceptions
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Increase brand liking

Don’t tell people how much to tip

Research from
University of Texas El Paso & University of Tehran
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Increase the likelihood of likes 95%
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Increase watch-time 25%

Disappearing content is more memorable

Research from
Bocconi University & Wharton School
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Increase persuasiveness ~2x

Ads are more persuasive when listened to with headphones

Research from
University of California, Los Angeles & 2 others
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Increase CTRs 127.5%

(Mildly) surprising copy converts better

Research from
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
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Increase reviews

Don't ask for product reviews too soon

Research from
University of Nevada, Las Vegas & 3 others
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Increase customer revenue 32%

Offer a free shipping subscription

Research from
North Carolina State University & Texas A&M University
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Increase repeat purchase intentions 12.2%

Give refunds instantly

Research from
EAE Business School & 3 others
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Increase ad engagement 93%

How to frame online limited-time offers

Research from
Drexel University, Wharton School & 1 other
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Increase purchase likelihood 34%

Don’t misspell your brand name

Research from
University of Notre Dame & Ohio State University
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Increase purchase likelihood 49%
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Increase review helpfulness 26%

Messages in the present tense are more persuasive

Research from
York University, Wharton School & 1 other
B2C Friendly
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B2B Friendly
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Popular & Trending 📈
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Brand & Strategy
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Retail Store
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Customer Experience
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Messaging & Copy
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Social Media
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